What is RAG-Buddy?

RAG-Buddy is an expansion of the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) system, designed to enhance the capabilities of the RAG system and provide a more robust and efficient solution for developers. RAG-Buddy introduces a suite of tools aimed at improving the costs, performance, security, and reliability of RAG-powered applications.

RAG-Buddy Services

» RAG-Buddy Cache

RAG-Buddy Cache is a caching mechanism designed to reduce the usage costs associated with Large Language Models (LLMs). By caching frequently used data or responses, RAG-Buddy Cache allows the RAG system to retrieve information more quickly and efficiently, reducing the overall computational cost and making the system more cost-effective.

» RAG-Buddy Analytics

RAG-Buddy Analytics is a tool designed to provide insights into the performance and usage of the RAG system. By tracking and analyzing metrics related to the RAG system’s performance, RAG-Buddy Analytics allows developers to make informed decisions about how to optimize and improve the system.

» RAG-Buddy Guard

RAG-Buddy Guard is a security tool designed to protect sensitive information. It ensures that personal and sensitive information is not sent to the LLM, thereby preventing potential data breaches and ensuring the privacy and security of the data used by the RAG system.

RAG-Buddy Guard is currently under development. Please contact us for more information.

» RAG-Buddy Limiter

RAG-Buddy Limiter is a query limiter designed to prevent end-user abuse of the RAG system. By limiting the number of queries a user can make within a certain time frame, RAG-Buddy Limiter helps to maintain the stability and performance of the RAG system, ensuring a fair and balanced use of the system’s resources.

RAG-Buddy Limiter is currently under development. Please contact us for more information.

» RAG-Buddy Pipelines

RAG-Buddy is a service that allows developers to bring their own RAG system and use the services above through our API. If developers prefer, we can also provide an end-to-end solution that includes all elements of a RAG system. This flexibility allows developers to choose the solution that best fits their needs and requirements.

RAG-Buddy Pipelines is currently under development. Please contact us for more information.